The Operational K9 Medical Team of Wisconsin provides point of injury care education and support to those assisting wounded Operational K9s in the field.

Working to Keep K9s Safe

We are one of the only organizations in the state of Wisconsin that provides K9 point of injury care training to law enforcement officers, first responders, firefighters, and search/rescue K9 handlers. This specialized training utilizes teaching dogs, scenarios, and robotic simulators.

What We Do

We provide point of injury care education for those assisting wounded Operational K9s. See how we work to equip first responders with the skills and resources they need to provide top-level medical care to K9s injured in the line of duty.

Champions for Our K9 Community

“The training and materials that were used on scene to save K9 Iro were provided by OPK9 Medical Team of Wisconsin. K9 Iro was severely injured in the line of duty on October 14, 2023. Point of injury care at the scene, which included muzzle placement, hemorrhage control, and timely transport, no doubt saved his life.”

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Our Impact

0 + K9s registered in the Statewide Operational K9 Registry
0 + K9s blood typed at trainings, events, and conferences
0 Trainings scheduled throughout the state in 2024 so far
See Our Impact

On the Blog

Remembering Dasko

Our hearts still ache for Deputy Hicks and his family after the loss of K9 Dasko this past week. On August 1st, K9 Dasko passed away after an unexpected medical complication that was deemed terminal.

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